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Sharing of maintenance procedures for plunger pumps

Time:2020-8-8 Click:1898 times
Today we are going to talk about the maintenance procedures for plunger pumps.
1. After each use of the plunger pump, clean the housing, arrange the power cords and put them in a fixed place. If it is found to be damaged or under pressure, it should be marked with a "pending repair" mark and the maintenance personnel should be notified to repair it.
2. The maintenance worker is responsible for the maintenance of the plunger pump and keeps records. If the leather cup is damaged or aging causing air leakage, replace it in time if the pressure does not rise.
3. The electrical performance, mechanical performance, host and main contactor switch of the plunger pump motor must be filled with lubricating oil to ensure the normal use of the equipment.
4. The plunger pump must maintain a certain oil level. If it is found to be insufficient, fill it in time to avoid affecting normal operation.
In summary, have you understood the maintenance procedures for plunger pumps?
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Wuhan Xinlaifu Hydraulic pneumatic Equipment Co. LTD

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Address: No. 28-30, Building 7, Hubei Modern Hardware & Electrical City, Dongxihu District, Wuhan

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